iphone app development

10 Fun things you MUST DO to become a successful app developer

1. Everyone needs battles stories, so the worse yours are – the better. Make sure you’ve done it all. Burnt by rogue developers, stranded in foreign countries during a military coup, derailed by

How to travel, co-work and grow your location independent business

This afternoon, I received an urgent message from a friend of mine in Brazil. “Elaine, I NEED project getaway RIGHT NOW!!!!! I think they’re closed… Do you know any other places like that???

How to start a successful app business in 7 days

I love Christmas. Give me the cheesy Christmas songs, the big tree full of decorations and 100 presents to wrap beside a crackling fire and I am as happy as I’ll ever be. I’ve also been taking it

How Many Daily Downloads Does It Take To Reach The Top Of The App Store?

Knowing how many downloads it will take to reach the top 25 charts in the US App Store is valuable information. This data allows publishers to identify which app categories are the most competitive,