The Ultimate Guide to In App Marketing Strategies & Campaigns

in app marketing

Mobile apps are a costly and time-consuming investment. In fact, it takes extensive planning to create an effective mobile app marketing promotion strategy & set up mobile app marketing campaigns that will gain traction in this competitive space where there are already millions of competitors. The truth is if you want your business’s name out on those small screens as well as the big ones, then developing a solid in app marketing plan should be at the top of your priority list so you can stand out from all those other mediocre apps fighting for attention. The mobile app boom has brought many opportunities, but it is a challenge to promote your product with so many apps out there. The following are the effective marketing strategies you can use for your own business.

in app marketing

How To Promote Mobile App Effectively & mobile app marketing campaigns

The mobile app market is aggressive, and there were 29.5 thousand apps released in the Apple App Store alone during February 2021.

It would be great if you had a marketing strategy to stand out among these two million competitors, so here are some of the most effective strategies:

In app marketing: Identify Your Target Audience

You can’t market your assets unless you understand who your consumers are and what they want.

The same stands true for mobile app advertising plans; only it’s even more important because apps aren’t tangible products that people touch or hold in their hands.

You have to get creative about marketing an unreachable item such as a digital piece of software on the Internet.

So instead of trying to reach everyone, focus on reaching your target audience by defining demographics (age groups), interests/lifestyle choices, etc., which will give insights into which strategy is best suited for promoting this type of content online.

While defining the demographics, age groups, interests, and lifestyles of your ideal group of customers can give you insights into which marketing strategy to use for promoting a mobile app.

You should also look at what your competitors are doing in order to attract more users.

They likely have similar target audiences; thus, even before promotion starts, you can understand how best to draw them in by looking at their process and improving upon it.

Promote Your Mobile App Before Launch

There are two main advantages to marketing your mobile app early.

The first advantage is increasing brand awareness, allowing you to engage potential customers and ask them what they’d like to see in the app while getting feedback on it.

If beta testing has already begun, encourage users of that version or build of the product to use it and give their own feedback about its performance so you can identify areas for improvement before officially launching an updated version with improved features.

The app you create should be for people who fit your ideal customer profile.

In app marketing: Email Marketing

Email marketing is an underrated way to market your business. It shouldn’t be overlooked and, instead, should be considered as a viable option next to social media promotion. Here are some statistics that support this argument:

  • 99% of email users check their personal inboxes once a day;
  • More than 50% said they receive brand updates via emails over other mediums because it’s what they prefer receiving;
  • and the average open rate worldwide is 22%.

How can you use email marketing as a part of your mobile app promotion strategy?

You can create an email series. In a chain of emails, you could announce the launch date and list the perks and features or send subscribers any sign-up offers to make them excited about using your product.

To keep up with news on updates for their apps, users will receive regular newsletters containing valuable content like tips on how they should be utilizing it more effectively, among other things that may interest them, such as promotions related towards growing companies who are invested in improving customer experience through technology.

Email marketing tools make it effortless to segment your email list and create slick emails in minutes. These apps, which personalize and optimize content for contacts’ attention spans, drive conversions by grabbing their interest with customized subject lines.

For Adidas’s launch of the All-day 360 Fitness App, they sent out an email that told people what new features this mobile app could offer while promoting a download link at the end of each message through CTA buttons on complete sentences.

This strategy helped them promote their product and get more downloads from users who were interested enough to give these messages a read.

In app marketing: Advertise On Social Media

A marketing strategy that doesn’t involve social media is not ideal. Social media can be used on many platforms to promote a mobile app, so it should definitely be included in your action plan!

To use these channels to promote an app, first, find out which networks are the most popular among those you’d like as users.

Then create content or posts within each network with information about how they could benefit from using this specific mobile application and post them there regularly during promotional periods.

Suppose multiple types of social networking sites attract attention by crowdsourcing apps.

In that case, HubSpot might prove helpful here – especially since its main purpose includes creating perfect-fit material based on what’s allowed through different guidelines on various websites.

An excellent way to boost your app is through paid ads. You can use them on social channels or in Facebook and Google search results.

Still, they’re even more effective when you’ve got a custom audience that’s been built around people who are previously engaged in what your firm does.

You can also create an instant buzz by using this strategy because it allows you to target accurate users based on their demographics and interests, leading to better conversion rates for both web and mobile apps.

In app marketing: App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization is one of the most reliable ways to increase your number of organic installs for mobile app marketers. It’s also a great way for businesses wanting increased revenue and conversions!

While this process has many benefits, it can be difficult to implement these strategies without proper direction from the right professionals. For example, what mobile app marketing strategies should you use?

Promoting your app successfully requires App Store Optimization (ASO) – but ASO isn’t easy! To achieve success using this tactic, we recommend using the following strategies:

Add keywords in your title and description: When you are creating an app, your keywords must match the target audience. Including keywords in your header and description and having a distinguished name for your app will help ensure more downloads. After all, there is nothing more harmful than wasting time developing something only to realize no one wants it!

Optimizing App Descriptions: Optimizing app descriptions is important for Google Play Store ranking. Include keywords you desire to rank for on your app’s description, and clearly explain what it does, its main features, and any other important information to know why they should download the application.

Use Relevant Keywords: Without keywords, your mobile app marketing strategies will be much less effective. To ensure that you’re targeting the right audience with these strategies, focus on choosing and using relevant keywords when searching across the multiple worlds of apps.

Include Screenshots & Preview Video: Apps’ screenshots attract users, but it is important to choose good ones. A preview video that features the app helps sell it better and increases click-through rates in the mobile store.

Show Authority from App Ratings & Reviews: Leverage App Ratings & Reviews to show off your quality, but it’s important that you offer a great user experience before asking users for feedback.

Optimize & Analyze: A mobile app marketing strategy must be analyzed to determine how to increase downloads, installs, conversions, and revenue. If not done correctly, it will only lead to failure.

In-App Messages for mobile app marketing campaigns

Many apps have found that in-app messages are a useful way to communicate with their users.

In particular, they can drive users to an inbox where the app maker will send them longer form messages.

In-app messages are used for many different things, including promotional offers, reminders to complete tasks or take specific actions, updates on what’s going on within the app, and getting feedback from users.

They can be sent at scale by sending surveys or asking for feedback which is great because it allows businesses to get more information about their customers without contacting each person one-on-one.

In App Marketing Conclusion

Promoting your mobile app is more than just a marketing campaign. You have to build an early following and get in touch with influencers that could help you create buzz around it before launch day. Have people download beta versions, reach out for feedback from users who would be willing to try the app when launched commercially, send newsletters promoting it via email or social media channels such as LinkedIn or Facebook. App marketing services are also available.

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